先通过echarts生成图片,通过phantomjs 截图,将图片暂存在本地,再将图片转换成base64,然后放入word。
phantomjs 是一个基于js的webkit内核无头浏览器 也就是没有显示界面的浏览器。
echarts.min.js 和jquery.js 去官网下载
(function () { var system = require(\'system\'); var fs = require(\'fs\'); var config = { // define the location of js files //这样写要求这三个js在同一个文件夹下 JQUERY: \'jquery-3.5.1.min.js\', //ESL: \'esl.js\', ECHARTS: \'echarts.min.js\', // default container width and height DEFAULT_WIDTH: \'400\', DEFAULT_HEIGHT: \'600\' }, parseParams, render, pick, usage; usage = function () { console.log(\"\\nUsage: phantomjs echarts-convert.js -options options -outfile filename -width width -height height\" + \"OR\" + \"Usage: phantomjs echarts-convert.js -infile URL -outfile filename -width width -height height\\n\"); }; pick = function () { var args = arguments, i, arg, length = args.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { arg = args[i]; if (arg !== undefined && arg !== null && arg !== \'null\' && arg != \'0\') { return arg; } } }; parseParams = function () { var map = {}, i, key; if (system.args.length < 2) { usage(); phantom.exit(); } for (i = 0; i < system.args.length; i += 1) { if (system.args[i].charAt(0) === \'-\') { key = system.args[i].substr(1, i.length); if (key === \'infile\') { // get string from file // force translate the key from infile to options. key = \'options\'; try { map[key] = fs.read(system.args[i + 1]).replace(/^\\s+/, \'\'); } catch (e) { console.log(\'Error: cannot find file, \' + system.args[i + 1]); phantom.exit(); } } else { map[key] = system.args[i + 1].replace(/^\\s+/, \'\'); } } } return map; }; render = function (params) { var page = require(\'webpage\').create(), createChart; var bodyMale = config.SVG_MALE; page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }; page.onAlert = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }; createChart = function (inputOption, width, height,config) { var counter = 0; function decrementImgCounter() { counter -= 1; if (counter < 1) { console.log(messages.imagesLoaded); } } function loadScript(varStr, codeStr) { var script = $(\'<script>\').attr(\'type\', \'text/javascript\'); script.html(\'var \' + varStr + \' = \' + codeStr); document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0].appendChild(script[0]); if (window[varStr] !== undefined) { console.log(\'Echarts.\' + varStr + \' has been parsed\'); } } function loadImages() { var images = $(\'image\'), i, img; if (images.length > 0) { counter = images.length; for (i = 0; i < images.length; i += 1) { img = new Image(); img.onload = img.onerror = decrementImgCounter; img.src = images[i].getAttribute(\'href\'); } } else { console.log(\'The images have been loaded\'); } } // load opitons if (inputOption != \'undefined\') { // parse the options loadScript(\'options\', inputOption); // disable the animation options.animation = false; } // we render the image, so we need set background to white. $(document.body).css(\'backgroundColor\', \'white\'); var container = $(\"<div>\").appendTo(document.body); container.attr(\'id\', \'container\'); container.css({ width: width, height: height }); // render the chart var myChart = echarts.init(container[0]); myChart.setOption(options); // load images loadImages(); return myChart.getDataURL(); }; // parse the params page.open(\"about:blank\", function (status) { // inject the dependency js page.injectJs(config.ESL); page.injectJs(config.JQUERY); page.injectJs(config.ECHARTS); var width = pick(params.width, config.DEFAULT_WIDTH); var height = pick(params.height, config.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); // create the chart var base64 = page.evaluate(createChart, params.options, width, height,config); fs.write(\"base64.txt\",base64); // define the clip-rectangle page.clipRect = { top: 0, left: 0, width: width, height: height }; // render the image page.render(params.outfile); console.log(\'render complete:\' + params.outfile); // exit phantom.exit(); }); }; // get the args var params = parseParams(); // validate the params if (params.options === undefined || params.options.length === 0) { console.log(\"ERROR: No options or infile found.\"); usage(); phantom.exit(); } // set the default out file if (params.outfile === undefined) { var tmpDir = fs.workingDirectory + \'/tmp\'; // exists tmpDir and is it writable? if (!fs.exists(tmpDir)) { try { fs.makeDirectory(tmpDir); } catch (e) { console.log(\'ERROR: Cannot make tmp directory\'); } } params.outfile = tmpDir + \"/\" + new Date().getTime() + \".png\"; } // render the image render(params); }());
然后测试是否安装成功,在命令行 输入:phantomjs -- version
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.abel533</groupId> <artifactId>ECharts</artifactId> <version></version> </dependency>
1、构建echarts 的数据option
/** * 构建柱状图 * @param cate x轴数据 * @param enterpriseCnt 数据 * @return */ private static String getOption(List<String> cate, List<Integer> enterpriseCnt){ GsonOption option = new GsonOption(); option.title().setText(\"测试点位数图片\"); // 标题 // 设置图例 option.legend().data(\"点位数\").x(\"center\"); Bar bar = new Bar(); // x轴 CategoryAxis category = new CategoryAxis(); category.data(cate.toArray()); //y 轴 ValueAxis valueAxis = new ValueAxis(); bar.data().addAll(enterpriseCnt); // 数据 option.xAxis(category); //x轴 option.yAxis(valueAxis); //y轴 option.series(bar);// 多条柱子放多个bar就行 String optionStr = option.toString().replace(\" \", \"\"); log.info(optionStr); return optionStr; }
public static String generateEChart(String option, String filepath, String fileName) { String dataPath = writeOptionToFile(option, filepath); // 将option 数据写磁盘上用文件保存 String path = filepath + fileName+\".png\"; //生成图片路径 try { String JSpath = \"D:\\\\data\\\\tmp\\\\echarts-convert.js\"; String cmd = \"phantomjs \" + JSpath + \" -infile \" + dataPath + \" -outfile \" + path; log.info(cmd); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream(), \"UTF-8\")); String line = \"\"; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { log.info(line); } input.close(); // 删除json数据 File jsonFile = new File(dataPath); jsonFile.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return path; }
public static String writeOptionToFile(String options, String filepath) { String dataPath = filepath +\"echart.json\"; try { File writename = new File(dataPath); if (!writename.getParentFile().exists()) { //文件目录不存在,则先创建,不然会报错 writename.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(writename), \"UTF-8\")); out.write(options); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return dataPath; }
public static String imageToBase64(String imgPath) { InputStream in = null; byte[] data = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(imgPath); data = new byte[in.available()]; in.read(data); in.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } Base64Encoder encoder = new Base64Encoder(); return encoder.encode(data); }